GeekGlyph is a group interested in complex analysis of glyphs or symbols of all nature, past, present and future.
We develop advanced tools and apps for that purpose. We dare to go beyond silly Occam's razor hypothesis.
Our solutions are open and our methodology is clearly exposed in a very educational and interactive way.
The hypothesis are never final solutions, better qualified as scientific fiction, but keep evolving from embrionary ideas.
We started with Nazca Lines because of its size and complexity. From there we tried to build the Ancient Geodetic System. This line is still evoloving in what we call The Glyphs of Space or 1st Seal.
Recently, with our book Magic Squares in the Bible, we opened the The Glyphs of Life or 2nd Seal .
Much, much more is still to come!
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In some cases, we illustrate our hypothesis by using third part images. Most of them are public domain having copyright expired and published in the Wikimedia Commons. The use of these images is for illustration purpose only and does not imply that the authors agree or endorse in any way our theories.
1- We start like the "Blind men and an Elephant". We pull strings from books and sites in a brain-storm process.
2- We then try to situate the problem in a much larger perpective. For instance, Göbekli Tepe in Turkey currently expanded the archeological horizon for advanced Human Construction from 3,000 to 9,000 BC. Caral in Peru extended South American civilizations timeline to 3,000 BC. The Antikythera mechanism, an astronomical computer, dated from 150BC, extends the technological capability of Ancient Cultures. Brazilian cave paintings at Serra da Capivara were dated 22,000 BC and Acre Circle points to an advanced Brazilian Civilization.
3- Then we put each Theory previously develeped in the current technological context.
4- The next step is trying to find common elements in previous hypothesis. In the case of Nazca, we fall into the Ceque System.
5- Next we try to gather a series of tools to make the analysis easier. We perfom calculations, develop formulas and apps.
5- Then we can formulate new hypothesis and the condition to test them For instance, if the Ceque System can be used for mapping and Nazca has several Ceque System elements, it is possible that Nazca may also be used as a map.
6- Then we formulate the way to test it. For instance, most of the ancient maps depict the Tropic Lines and ancient Meridians, because of the importance of the Solstices and the beliefs in the Axi-Mundi; if Nazca is possibly a Map we would be able to find these 2 elements when we project it on Earth.
7- Then we apply the Duck Test : "If looks like a duck, swims like a duck and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck". This is called abductive reasoning. We know that in this kind of reasoning the premisses do not guarantee that the conclusion is valid, but it opens the window for the best educated guess, instead of silly isolated hypothesis first formulated by the "Blind men and the Elephant".
8- We repeated this process on and on until some new fact redirect the first fictional conclusions. For instance, if it is undeniably proven that ancient American and other Ancient World civilizations had contact, then the Nazca Map theory gain another statement in the previous "Duck Test": "and related to other ducks". As everything in History and Archeology, the facts may exist but the interpretations may vary and are never guaranteed.